The rise of Media for Equity as an alternative growth investment model.

In a market filled with rapid change and uncertainty, D2C startups and media groups have started looking for new opportunities to help drive new ad spend on TV and grow revenue. This paper explores the evolution of Media for Equity as a driver for revenue growth and diversification through the lenses of European startups and broadcasters, the challenges to successful implementation, and the best practices to overcom them.




Media for Equity is an alternative business model where mature startups are trading equities to media conglomerates in exchange for advertising space.

40+ pages of actionable insights, case studies and expert interviews on media for equity

  • What is media for equity?
  • The evolution of this model across different European hubs
  • How media foe equity emerged as a solution to combat startup failure and diversify revenue for media holdings
  • Media funds structures, challenges and opportunities for broadcasters and media agencies
  • A 5-step guide for CEO to fet started with Media for Equity investments
  • Tapping into new opportunity spaces - Media for Equity in Central Eastern Europe
Borderbridge Media for Equity Mockup

Benefits for Media Broadcasters


Ability to generate additional advertising revenues


Stimulate a new market segmen


Promote innovation and develop new external partnerships

What investors say

Compared to early-stage funding rounds, this model presents less risk and higher chancesfor significant returns.Media for equity model is almost always used between conventionalrounds of venture financing or alongside cash investments to fund high-growth startups.

Luise Grunner

German Media Pool

Alot of mistakes that media owners make are that they think it's away to make a quick revenue, they think they can maybe do it in-house with existing teams. It's better to partner with externalorganisations that understand the startup ecosystem.

Vinay Solanki

Head fo Channel 4 Ventures

What are key factors that media broadcasters should considerbefore trading advertising for a share in the capital?

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3 Benefits for Startup Founders


Accelerate growth


Acquire the right level of marketing expertise


Scaling business across borders

What founders say

Implementation of a Media for Equity deal doesn't resume only to advertising. It also means mentorship, access to know-how, and if done right, higher market share.

Chris Sheldrick

Co-Founder and CEO at what3words

87% of companies that completed a media for equity deal arestill active today. Learn more about what it takes for a startupto successfully apply this model.

Download the whitepaper

Download the white paper

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